For Terry Harris Basketball and Family Go Hand In Hand
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Effective Basketball's Terry Harris comes from a basketball family. With 5 siblings all involved in basketball in some wayand a father who runs a successful basketball consulting and marketing firm, it's easy to see the pattern of success that Terry's been able to follow to become a member of the Delaware Blue Coats.
The old saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" refers to a child's natural tendency to follow in the footsteps of their parents. In many cases, the statement is made with a negative connotation implying that the parent was a bad influence on the child and that the child was following in the same pattern of negative behaviors.
Not so with the family of Torrel and Lisa Harris. This entrepreneur and CEO has built an empire around family values and basketball. He started and is CEO of Unique Sports International who works with athletes with a wide variety of services from financial planning, investment strategies, contract negotiations, leadership skills and marketing strategies.
His company has worked with a number of Hall of Famers and high profile NBA players. He and his company are also pioneers in the NFL and NBA athletic apparel world. During the mid-90's to mid 2000's, his company was the only minority led company to design and manufacture NBA and NFL apparel selling upwards of $30-40 million dollars per year at their peak.
Five of Torrel and Lisa's children received college basketball scholarships. Oldest brother TJ went to school on an academic scholarship and now works alongside Torrel in the family business.
Daughter Tesia, once a standout player for St. Johns and played professionally in Slovakia, not acts as Unique Sports Management International's VP of basketball operations. She has also worked previously for the NBA and has been on the coaching staff at several colleges.
Son Tobias is currently a Philadelphia 76er standout, having recently signed a $180 million dollar 5 year contract. Next oldest son Tyler has recently played professionally for Argentina. Terry, 24, is currently a member of the Delaware Blue Coats while youngest daughter Tori plays for the St. Bonaventure's team.
Both sons Terry and Tyler have joined forces with Effective Basketball to bring their drills and player development instruction to fans and students of the game. Let's focus on Terry Harris for the purposes of this blog. We will look more in depth at Tyler Harris' instructionals at a later date.
Here is a quick Senior Year Highlight video of Terry's time with the North Carolina A&T Aggies. Check it out below.
In the short video below we see some highlights of Terry Harris' skill as a long shooter and in the paint. His brother Tobias Harris has said in interviews that Terry is the best shooter in the family.
Enjoy a few excerpts from Terry Harris' instructionals. In this first drill, the Pogo Shooting Drill, Harris shows how he develops the bounce and lift in his jumpshots.
In the next video, Proper Jump Shot Hand Placement, Terry Harris focus on the importance of proper hand mechanics to develop and keep strong control to ensure that the shots don't go awry because of poor hand placement.
In the 3 Cone Pullup Shot Drill, Terry Harris makes use of 3 plastic cones to help drill the footwork and swinging through once a pass is secured and the shot is set up.
In the 10 in a Minute Drill, Terry Harris ups the pace and works through a wide variety of scenarios in the attempt to sink 10 baskets either from jump shots or lay ups if the jump shots are missed.
For more from Terry Harris check out Fundamental Footwork and Shooting Drills available from You will learn proper form, the correct footwork, hand mechanics and all of the drills necessary to make you a better shooter no matter where on the court you find yourself. You can get the instructional here or at the BUY NOW link below.