Keep it Simple with Irv Roland
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Irv Roland has a long history of being a player development coach for players like James Hardin, Kyrie Irving, Carsen Edwards and many more. In his 15 years with the NBA, he has worked with and observed many young, up and coming players all with the same goal--to be the best as they can as players in the NBA. In the video below Irv Roland and Effective Basketball, Irv succinctly describes a mistake that he often sees these young players make.
Check out the video below.
What is the common mistake that Irv Roland sees in his work with young players? First and foremost in the rush to get better and develop their skills, he feels that players attempt to add too many new weapons to their arsenal too fast.
Skill development theorists believe that as human beings we can vastly overestimate what we can achieve in 6 months and vastly underestimate what we can achieve in 5 years. The point being, that its very easy to fall into a trap and think that one can add numerous new skills into their game somewhat overnight.
Instead Irv Roland recommends to keep things simple. Focus on basic, foundation skills and develop those to the maximum. Once those foundational skills have been fully developed, then and only then, should the more advanced or fancy techniques be studied.
The old martial arts adage applies here on the basketball court. To paraphrase, One should not fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks one time, but instead the man who practiced one kick 10,000 times. Keep things simple and develop the basic skills that will make you a well rounded player.
For more of the same tips and techniques that NBA athletes have been seeking Irv Roland out for over 15 years, you can get Efficient Isolation Drills from Get your copy here or at the Buy Now Link below!